
Our ministries and guilds perform the necessary services that make our church community welcoming and enjoyable. If you’re interested in joining any of these ministries, click the name of the contact person to send an email.


Leader: Father Nik

Acolytes assist the priest in leading worship. Among other tasks, they carry the processional cross or torches, light and extinguish candles, distribute offering plates, and open the communion rail gate. Acolytes vest in white robes. Usually three acolytes serve each Sunday.

Please let Nik or a member of the vestry know if you are interested in serving as an acolyte.

Altar Guild

Guild Leader: Bev Smith

The Fork Church Altar Guild is a lay ministry responsible for decoration of our church and preparation for worship. Services include Eucharist (Communion), Healing Service (once/month), baptisms, weddings, funerals and special occasions such as Bishop’s Visitation. Duties include setting the table for communion, checking oil for candles for the altar and filling as needed, and polishing all the brass such as the cross and candlesticks on the altar, processional cross and alms basins (collection plates passed during the offertory).

Each season in our church calendar is signified by the color of our hangings on the communion table, pulpit and lectern. These colors match the priest’s vestments. Couples, families or any single person may participate. Each year a new schedule is made and sent to each member. We have six teams, with each team responsible for two nonconsecutive months per year. Responsibility for Easter and Christmas seasons are rotated so the same teams are not responsible for both in any calendar year. Members can switch Sundays or months on their own. Formal meetings are not held but can be called, if necessary.

Flower Guild

Guild Leader: Debbie Murphy

This ministry contributes to the beauty of our worship. Members arrange flowers for Sunday and occasional special services. The flowers are either purchased with Guild funds or obtained as gifts from area gardens. The Guild supplies the oasis and containers necessary for arrangements. Contributions to the Altar Guild fund provide for the purchase of flowers.

Flowers may be given in honor or memory of a loved one; the sign-up sheet is in the church entryway. It is the responsibility of the Flower Guild member to ensure that the flowers are in place by the 10 a.m. Sunday service and that they are taken down after the service. The Guild works as a group to decorate the church for Christmas and Easter.


Director & Organist: Melissa Hawks

Music is a rich and important part of worship at Fork Church. It is integral to each service and helps to deliver a complete worship experience for the congregation. The Parish choir is a vibrant group of singers of all experience levels who prepare and present offertory anthems and other musical selections and lead the congregation in singing hymns and chanting psalms.

During the program year, the choir sings from the organ loft and moves downstairs in the summer for cooler temperatures.

In 2024 the choir invited singers from the community and nearby churches to lead a choral evensong. It was an opportunity to sing larger works than the small weekly choir can sing on its own. The event brought visitors to the church, both as singers and congregation, and the choir plans to host a choral evensong at least twice a year.

In addition, the Godly Play children sing with the choir several times a year.

All are invited to join the Parish choir in this important part of our worship. No previous experience is necessary to take an active part in the music program. Choir rehearsals are before and after each service.

Melissa Hawks

The Fork Church celebrated Melissa’s decade of ministry on September 24, 2023.

Lay Eucharist Ministers & Lectors

Lector Leader: Lindsey Smythe

Think of the lectors as the “town criers” of the church. At the appointed time during the service, the lectors read the Word of the Lord to the congregation. Anyone, young or old, can be a lector. Training is provided once a year for the group as a whole and individually as needed. All a potential lector needs is the desire to proclaim God’s word with reverence, clarity, and grace.

Lay Eucharistic Minister Leader: Father Nik

The position of Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM) is more involved. The Lay Eucharistic Minister assists the Priest with the service, primarily by leading the psalm and serving the chalice during Holy Eucharist. Any interested adult member can be a Lay Eucharistic Minister. Training is provided, and Lay Eucharistic Ministers are licensed by the bishop.

Adult Christian Education

Forum Leader: Father Nik

In our Sunday morning meeting of men and women, we engage in open discussion of the meaning of Christianity aimed at developing a deepening capacity for growth in faith. We study the Bible and consider the works of theologians and lay writers, past and present, to guide us to awareness of the presence and availability of God’s Kingdom here on earth. We invite you to join us in our journey of faith. We meet every Sunday from September through May at 9 a.m. in the Parish Hall.

Youth Programs/Christian Education

Fork Church offers youth programs for all ages, including Godly Play (ages 3 through 5th grade) and Youth Group (6th grade through 12th grade). To learn more about youth programs, click here.

Godly Play Sunday School is held in the Parish House during the first half of the Liturgy each Sunday for children age 3 to 10. Then children rejoin their parents in church for Communion.

We are delighted to welcome Katherine Forti-Vargas as our new Director of Christian Education.

Building and Grounds

Vestry Liaison:  Sid Skjei and Glenn Murphy

We are truly blessed at Fork to be able to worship in such a beautiful and historic setting. Our beloved sanctuary is over 275 years old and pre-dates our nation’s Constitution.  It has served our community throughout those many years.

Preserving, maintaining, improving and managing our church’s sanctuary, parish hall, cemetery, and grounds is the primary focus of this ministry. Our mission is to preserve our church properties for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. We work on a variety of projects and hold occasional “work days” associated with the ongoing upkeep of church property. We manage and oversee the hiring of contractors when repairs or improvements are needed. We provide an opportunity for fellowship by rolling up our sleeves and working together to keep The Fork Church a sound and beautiful place to gather and worship.

Parish Life

Vestry Liaison: Elizabeth Berry and Lynda Wright

Parish Life provides opportunities for fellowship and socialization among the community of Fork Church by organizing social gatherings, fun events, celebrations, and church programs like Coffee Hour,  Lemonade on the Lawn, parish breakfasts/dinners/parties, and fundraisers.

Pastoral Care

Vestry Liaison: Elizabeth Berry and Lynda Wright

Through Pastoral Care we pray for those who are sick, injured or in need.  We arrange for visitations for those that are home bound and take meals to those in need.